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Der Oberste Gerichtshof

The Supreme Court of Justice
of the Republic of Austria


We welcome you to The Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Austria.


The Supreme Court of Justice

The Austrian Supreme Court is one of three judicial bodies charged with final appellate jurisdiction in the Republic of Austria. Whereas the Constitutional Court deals with constitutional law and the Supreme Administrative Court with public law, the Supreme Court is the highest instance in civil and criminal matters. These three Courts are hierarchically on the same level, there being no superiority or subordination between them.

In its comprehensive guiding role in the administration of justice within the ordinary court system, the Supreme Court seeks to safeguard legal uniformity, legal certainty and the development of the law. Although precedents are not legally binding, the Court’s jurisprudence has an essential purpose in giving specific content to the law, determining the meaning of provisions of law and assuring the legal protection of the citizens.

We welcome you to our website. Take a look around for further information.

Please note that decisions of the Court are only available in German.

ogh.gv.at | 24.03.2025, 22:03

Oberster Gerichtshof  |  Schmerlingplatz 11 , A-1010 Wien - Vienna  |  Phone: +43 1 52152 0  |  Fax: +43 1 52152 3710